Britt, Peter, 1819-1905
Born in Obslalden, Switzerland, Peter (1819-1905) was the second son of Jacob Britt. At the age of 27 he went to America and became a citizen in 1850 in Indiana. He studied daguerreotyping in St. Louis under an early-day photographer, J.H. Fitzgibbon. Britt crossed the plains in 1852 with his camera to settle in Jacksonville.
He opened a studio (see photo 24-21) in 1854 to become one of the first studio daguerreographers in Oregon. W.H. Jennings of Oregon City was first in 1851. Although best known as the leading northwest photographer, Britt was a civic minded person. He owned land (almost 2,000 acres at one time), became a leading horticulturist, a mine owner, a money lender, and a good friend of Chinese laborers.
He retired in 1900 to spend more of his time with oil painting and in the greenhouse. In 1861, he married Amalia Grob (1822-1871), a widow with one son, Jacob (1854-1896). They had three children, Emil (1862-1950), Arnold (1864, aged three months), Amalia (1865-1954). None were ever married. Peter Britt attended the 1905 Lewis and Clark Expedition and there contracted a cold that led to pneumonia and his death later that year.
Found in 1569 Collections and/or Records:
Amalia Britt at Crater Lake, 19uu
Three photographs.
Amalia Britt at Forest, 19uu
Five photographs.
Amalia Britt at various locations, July 1913-September 1939
Eleven photographs.
Amalia Britt, cars, May 1914, June 1919, December 1927, 1934
Seven photographs.
Amalia Britt, group, June 1937
Five photographs.
Amalia (Mollie) Britt d. 1954, bulk: 1910-1939
Amalia (Mollie) Britt d. 1954, bulk: 1910-1929
Twenty one photographs.
Amelia Muller, 18uu
Two photographs.

Amelia Muller, portrait
Ana Benner, 18uu
Ana Benner, seated on window ledge with plants.
Additional filters:
- Type
- Archival Object 791
- Digital Record 777
- Collection 1
- Subject
- Photographs 1568
- Individuals -- Portraits -- Southern Oregon 1111
- Children -- portraits -- Southern Oregon 298
- Homes and haunts 62
- Jacksonville (Or.) 42
- Chinese Americans 23
- Historic buildings 15
- Clergy 14
- Railroads 14
- Photography of painting 12
- Automobiles 10
- Carriages and carts 10
- Rivers 9
- Camping 8
- Crater Lake (Or.) 7
- Historic hotels 7
- Church schools 6
- Mines and mineral resources 6
- Photography of interiors 6
- Mountains 5
- Roads 5
- Wells 5
- Almshouses 4
- Ashland (Or.) 4
- Historic bridges 4
- Interviews 4
- Oregon, Southern 4
- Parades 4
- Picnics 4
- Agriculture 3
- Applegate River (Or.) 3
- Catholic Church 3
- Indians of North America 3
- Tututni Indians 3
- California, Northern 2
- Clubs 2
- Clubs and Societies 2
- Klamath Falls (Or.) 2
- Outdoor photography 2
- Railroad bridges 2
- Still-life photography 2
- Wagons 2
- Cemeteries 1
- Fishing 1
- Hanging 1
- History, Local 1
- Mills and mill-work 1
- Photography of families 1
- Prospect (Or.) 1
- Rogue River Valley (Klamath County-Curry County, Or.) 1
- Steamboats 1
- Urban parks 1
- Viticulture 1
- Wineries 1 + ∧ less