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Atwood, Kay (Katherine Conlee)



  • Existence: 1942 - 2014


Local historian and author Kay Atwood, who has written extensively about the Southern Oregon region. Atwood’s books include Illahe: The Story of Settlement in the Rogue River Canyon, Mill Creek Journal: Ashland Oregon, 1850-1860, and Chaining Oregon: Surveying the Public Lands of the Pacific Northwest, 1851-1855. Her many other books and articles explore the settlement and development of communities in Southern Oregon, and include National Register nominations, cultural resource inventories, and environmental and organizational histories.

Found in 529 Collections and/or Records:

Ives and Hyde correspondence, bulk: 1977-2003

 File — Box 41: Series MSS025:05 [Barcode: 35138008116748], Folder: 07
Identifier: MSS025:05.07
Scope and Contents Emails to Kay Atwood from Gail Moreau regarding found research on Ives and Hyde, dated April 4th, 2001; Email to Kay Atwood from Norman Caldwell regarding Ives and Hunt and the biographies of the 205 men that were U.S. deputies in Michigan from 1808-2000, dated November 9th, 2000; Letter to Kay Atwood from Roger Woodfill of District 9 Land Survey Co. regarding the addresses of Surveyors Historical Society Members who may be able to help in Kay’s research on Ives and Hyde, dated November...
Dates: Majority of material found within 1977-2003

Ives and Hyde correspondence, 2000-2004

 File — Box 41: Series MSS025:05 [Barcode: 35138008116748], Folder: 08
Identifier: MSS025:05.08
Scope and Contents Email to Kay Atwood from Martha Duncan regarding her manuscript, dated March 12th, 2004; Email to Kay Atwood from Martha Duncan regarding Caleb Ives’ letter, dated March 4th, 2004; Letter conversation between Kay Atwood and Janet Bloom of the William L. Clements Library at the University of Michigan regarding the George Clinton Gardner Papers, dated February 2004; Oregon Historical Records Index Search Results, Joseph Hunt is highlighted, dated January 31st, 2004; Letter to the Burton...
Dates: 2000-2004

Ives and Hyde Field Notes & Related Research, 1854

 File — Box 43: Series MSS025:05 [Barcode: 35138008116763], Folder: 01
Identifier: MSS025:05.23
Scope and Contents

Guide to surveying township maps; Blank contract outline for Ives and Hyde survey of Southwest Oregon – 1854; Blank contract outline for Lake and Hyde survey of Southwest Oregon – 1856; Contract outline for Ives and Hyde survey of Southwest Oregon – 1854; Unknown handwritten letter; Contract outlines for Ives and Hyde surveys of Southwest Oregon – 1854; Rogue valley township index maps

Dates: 1854

Ives and Hyde Material, 1857

 File — Box 42: Series MSS025:05 [Barcode: 35138008116755], Folder: 02
Identifier: MSS025:05.13
Scope and Contents

OHS MSS 914 Preston, John B., dated April 18th, 1857

Dates: 1857

Ives and Hyde – Misc. Research Findings, bulk: 1983-2004

 File — Box 44: Series MSS025:05 [Barcode: 35138008116771], Folder: 11
Identifier: MSS025:05.50
Scope and Contents

Survey contracts for surveying of Oregon territory, dated February 4th, 1983; Email to Kay Atwood from Bob Kingston regarding MSS 914, dated March 17th, 2004 attached are related documents; Record of Cadastral survey contracts; Miscellaneous notes on scratch paper regarding the Hyde family; Notes pertaining to NARA Files and Citations

Dates: Majority of material found within 1983-2004

Ives and Hyde surveys, 1854

 File — Box 39: Series MSS025:04 [Barcode: 35138008116722], Folder: 02
Identifier: MSS025:04.57
Scope and Contents Ives and Hyde Survey of Southern Oregon 1854 v. 1; Ives and Hyde Survey of Southern Oregon 1854 v. 10; Ernst and Smith Boundary Ledger (Hyde Book 1); Misc. Ives and Hyde Ledger (Book 10); Misc. Ives and Hyde Ledger (Book 1); Misc. Ives and Hyde Ledger (Book 1, section 2); Ives and Hyde Survey of the Willamette Meridian, dated January 4th, 1854; Ives and Hyde Ledger June 10th – June 19th (Book 3); Letter to Butler Hyde in which he is urged to return home, sender and date are unknown....
Dates: 1854

Ives, Butler – Oregon, bulk: 1851-2003

 File — Box 42: Series MSS025:05 [Barcode: 35138008116755], Folder: 07
Identifier: MSS025:05.18
Scope and Contents Letters between Ives and the Bureau of Land Management, dated 1851; Letter to John Wesley Davis from C.K. Gardner, dated January 15th, 1854; Letter to (unknown) from Butler Ives, dated March 5th, 1852; Letter to C.K. Gardner from I.B.S, dated September 16th, 1854; Letter to C.K. Gardner from Butler Ives, dated June 10th, 1854; Letter from Butler Ives, dated May 5th, 1854; Survey contract N. 3 with Butler Ives; Rough analysis of Ives and Hyde’s crews in 1854, dated February 24th, 1979;...
Dates: Majority of material found within 1851-2003

Ives, Butler – Prog, bulk: 1850-2004

 File — Box 41: Series MSS025:05 [Barcode: 35138008116748], Folder: 11
Identifier: MSS025:05.11
Scope and Contents Card and letter to Kay Atwood from Martha regarding important Ives and Hyde material, dated March 9th, 2004; Handwritten letter to Kay Atwood from Martha regarding letter correspondence from Butler Ives, dated October 7th, 2003; Handwritten letter to William Ives from Butler Ives, dated December 3rd, 1863; Handwritten letter to William Ives from Butler Ives, dated March 6th, 1864; Written material relating to the history of the state Nevada and the boundaries, dated June 14th, 1863;...
Dates: Majority of material found within 1850-2004

Ives, Freeman, Hyde et al photograph Research, 2003

 File — Box 44: Series MSS025:05 [Barcode: 35138008116771], Folder: 03
Identifier: MSS025:05.42
Scope and Contents Email to Kay Atwood from John Hunting regarding William and Butler Ives research, dated November 18th, 2003; Email conversation between Kay Atwood and Martha Duncan regarding William and Butler Ives stereographic research, dated September 16th, 2003; Letter to David D. Hunting Jr. from Kay Atwood regarding microfilm from the Sacramento Daily Union, dated July 25th, 2003; Letter to Kay Atwood from Martha Duncan regarding letters written between William and Butler Ives, dated July 21st;...
Dates: 2003

Ives, William – Biography, bulk: 1860-2003

 File — Box 46: Series MSS025:05 [Barcode: 35138008116797], Folder: 02
Identifier: MSS025:05.70
Scope and Contents Overview of the Reed and Hyde Families: An Inventory of their Papers at the Minnesota Historical Society; Handwritten notes regarding the William Ives Collection; Written material regarding Massachusetts and The Industrial Revolution (1820-1870); Written material regarding the “Investigations at the Millecoquins River Shipwreck Site” by John R. Halsey, dated November 2nd, 1991; Copy of Michigan township census of 1860, dated July 25th, 1860; Notes and research regarding the first...
Dates: Majority of material found within 1860-2003

Additional filters:

Archival Object 523
Digital Record 4
Collection 2
Historic buildings 211
research notes 154
History, Local 108
Surveyors 85
Photographs 83
∨ more
Ashland (Or.) 81
Mines and mineral resources 51
West (U.S.) 45
Business correspondence 43
Oregon, Southern 39
Universities and colleges--Faculty 38
oral histories 38
Chinese Americans 37
Authorship 32
Josephine County (Or.) 31
Cemeteries 28
Maps 26
Rogue River Valley (Klamath County-Curry County, Or.) 24
Hazardous geographic environments 22
Sound recordings 22
Oregon, Western 21
Periodicals 19
Forests and forestry 15
Klamath County (Or.) 15
Fire lookouts 13
Grants Pass (Or.) 13
Orchards 12
personal correspondence 11
Biography 9
California, Northern 8
Elementary and Secondary Education 7
Klamath Falls (Or.) 7
personal narratives 7
City councils 6
Interviews 6
Medicine 6
Northwest, Pacific 6
diaries 6
Business records 4
Central Point (Or.) 4
Indians of North America 4
Ranching 4
Sawmills 4
19th century 3
Jacksonville (Or.) 3
Minorities 3
Real property 3
Roads--Design and construction 3
Ships and Shipping 3
Siskiyou National Forest (Or. and Calif.) 3
Crater Lake (Or.) 2
Depressions--1929 2
Eagle Point (Or.) 2
Fire departments 2
Law 2
Prospect (Or.) 2
Railroads 2
Rogue River National Forest (Or. and Calif.) 2
Roseburg (Or.) 2
Takelma Indians 2
Watersheds 2
World War, 1939-1945 2
Abstracts of title 1
Agriculture 1
Art 1
Census 1
Colleges and Universities 1
County courts 1
Drama festivals 1
Endemic plants 1
Environmentalism 1
Floods 1
Forest management 1
Frontier and pioneer life 1
Geology 1
Illinois River Valley (Or.) 1
Indians of North America--Northwest, Pacific 1
Jackson County (Or.) 1
Oregon 1
Phoenix (Or.) 1
Pioneers 1
Police 1
Religion 1
Salem 1
Slides 1
Tulelake (Calif.) 1
Universities and colleges -- History 1
Video recordings 1
Washington (State) 1
scrapbooks 1
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