Applegate Ranger District (Or.)
Found in 10 Collections and/or Records:
Correspondence from Fred Buehling to Barbara Mumblo, 2006
L- 45 Correspondence from Fred Buehling to Barbara Mumblo, dated June 21, 2006. A one-page letter with attached photocopied photographs and article about Mr. Buehling's years, 1942, 1947-48, as a temporary FS employee on the Applegate and Ashland districts. Fred Buehling served as a lookout on Windy Peak and as summer fire guard at Wagner Gap. [RR-SNF/SOUHL]
Grouse Creek Big Foot Trap and Various Newspaper Clippings on Bigfoot, 1976-1985
F-20 Applegate Ranger District, "File: Grouse Creek Big Foot Trap," Rogue River National Forest, Medford, Oregon. A special use permit file on the "big-foot trap," built and operated near Applegate River by an organization called "North American Wildlife Research." [RR-SNF/SOU-HL] and various newspaper clippings related to Bigfoot.

Harvest History, Little Applegate
Harvest History, Little Applegate, 1994
C-44 "Harvest History, Little Applegate," Jerry Hellinga, Applegate, Oregon. A list of "currently known" harvest information for lands managed by the federal government in the Little Applegate basin (15 pgs) [RR-SNF/SOU-HL]
Horace G. Whitney's reminiscences, 1959

Map of Cascade Portion of Rogue River National Forest

Map of Rogue River National Forest, Oregon and California

Multiple-use plan Applegate Ranger District Rogue River National Forest, 1968
Multiple-use plan for the Applegate Ranger District, 1968
A-30 "Multiple-Use Plan," Star Ranger Station, Applegate Ranger District Oregon. A multiple-use plan for the Applegate Ranger District. The paper includes landscape management unit plans for the Upper Applegate County Highway, the development of various recreation sites at Miller Lake, Siskiyou Mountain Scenic Area, Steamboat Cemetery, and other places. [RR-SNF/SOU-HL]
Notes on Historical Events - Applegate Ranger District, 1945
L-6 "Notes on Historical Events - Applegate Ranger District," Lee C. Port, Historical Information, Medford, Oregon (15p). A brief historical background on numerous persons, places, and events of the Applegate River drainage, compiled by District's veteran ranger. The information has proved to be a generally reliable source of background material. [RR-SNF/SOU-HL]