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Rogue River National Forest records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSS-019

Scope and Contents

Researchers should note that in 2006 the compiler, Jeff LaLande, selected many (what were judged to be the more broadly historically informative) text-/map-based items from the collection for photocopying. Those copies were then placed at two Jackson County, Oregon locations, as “partial HRC” reference files that would remain available locally: (a) at the Heritage Program files of the Rogue River – Siskiyou National Forest Supervisor’s Office (SO),... in Medford; and (b) at the Special Collections section of the Hannon Library, Southern Oregon University, Ashland (where these particular items will eventually be digitized and included in the Southern Oregon Digital Archive [SODA] for on-line availability). In some cases, duplicate originals (as opposed to photocopies) were placed in these local partial-HRC reference files.

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  • Creation: Majority of material found within 1900s-2006


Conditions Governing Access

The collection is open for research.

Conditions Governing Use

Creator's literary rights are in the Public Domain. See:

For fair use/educational reproduction, please provide the following credit: From the Rogue River National Forest records, courtesy of Southern Oregon University Hannon Library.

Biographical / Historical

For more than thirty years, LaLande was the forest archaeologist for the Rogue River National Forest (called Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest since 2002), where he was responsible for its cultural resource management and heritage program. He served concurrently as the forest historian, and for many years also held the position of the forest’s wilderness coordinator. He was also an adjunct professor of history at Southern Oregon University for... more than 20 years, and currently (2014) offers professional services as a historical and archaeological consultant.

A 1969 graduate of Georgetown University, LaLande earned a master’s degree in archaeology from Oregon State University and a Ph.D. in history from the University of Oregon. He has authored numerous articles and several books and is knowledgeable about a wide range of Northwest history topics.

Other areas of LaLande's historical research focus include indigenous peoples of Southern Oregon, native uses of fire, environmental histories of specific watershed areas in Southern Oregon, archaeology and history of the Chinese gold miners in Jackson County, the Ku Klux Klan in Southern Oregon, the forest ranger in popular culture, and regional extremist organizations.

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5.5 Linear Feet (12 boxes)

Language of Materials


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Jeffery LaLande worked as an independent historian outside of his Forest Service career, and this collection resulted from his independent research. These papers include correspondence with researchers on various topics; files from essays, articles, book reviews, and books he has written; and his peer reviews, requested by various editors, of manuscripts submitted for publication.


Jeffery Lalande arranged the materials in this collection.

The individual items in the collection are divided into topical sub-groups, labeled and summarized here as boxes 1-13. A files – Legal Proclamations, Land-Use Plans, and Forest-Wide Overviews/Resource Inventories. B files – Consist largely of Forest Service maps, including recreation maps with a text of general Forest information on the reverse side. Recreation site plans and specific-area maps are contained in the G file; grazing atlases are in the E file. Several other maps are included with land exchange reports in the O file. Files C-1 to C-13. Timber And Vegetation Management The C-files are composed of early and recent timber reconnaissance and inventory reports, timber management plans, "policy statements," and sale reports, as well as correspondence dealing with forest diseases and insect infestations. Files C-14 to C-54. D files-Fire Management is a collection of documents that are specifically related to the problems and issues of fire management (control plans, studies, suppression and prevention efforts, acres burned, fire causes, etc.) or that give fire history. E files-range management deals with grazing allotments, range conditions, and range improvements. F files - Watershed, Soils, Botanical, And Wildlife Management contain documents relating to watershed management, water development projects, "unusual" plant species, game population estimates and wildlife management; as well as miscellaneous Forest Service and other publications relating to water rights and use. G files – Recreation Management include subunit recreation plans, recreation site plans, and special-use (recreation-related) maps. H files – Homestead Entries, Mining Claims and Misc. Special Uses include examination reports, correspondence and other material dealing with Forest homestead entries, "squatter" claims, and townsite withdrawals. I files – Construction of Roads, Trails, and Administrative Sites consist of reports and correspondence relative to Forest Service construction and maintenance projects for roads, trails, and administrative structures such as ranger stations. J files – Civilian Conservation Corps contain various documents and files concerning the activities of the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Emergency Relief Administration on the Rogue River National Forest, 1933-1942. K files – Miscellaneous Administrative History. L files - Personal Memoirs and Misc. Historical Accounts are primarily composed of correspondence that contains personal remembrances by retired Forest Service personnel, and local historical accounts. M files - issues of Crater (and Rogue River) National Forest newsletters, written by and for Forest Service employees, as well as more recent in-house news updates, Forest Leadership team meeting notes, and like items. It also contains personnel directories of recent years (i.e., subsequent to Vol. 2 of Forest history). O files - Land Exchange and Acquisition consist of miscellaneous files and reports dealing with the Forest Service land purchases and land exchange programs, particularly those involving “O-and-C” lands (revested Oregon and California Railroad Grant lands). R files - Miscellaneous contains documents that do not fall within the previously listed categories. S files - Reorganizational Projects contains documents about the changes that occurred with the structure and "operating procedures" of the Rogue River National Forest. It includes "The Mission," "Opportunity Statements," "The Journey," "Strategic Planning," Forest “re-organization,” the eventual consolidation with the Siskiyou N.F., etc. Additional files contain images of historical photographs on CDs.

Guide to the Rogue River National Forest records
In Progress
Rogue River National Forest records
Finding aid prepared by Special Collections and University Archives
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note

Repository Details

Part of the Southern Oregon University, Hannon Library Repository

1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland OR 97520 US