Ashland Cemetery, Plan-Guidelines, Hargadine Cemetery, Mountain View Cemetery, Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, 2000
Scope and Contents
The guidelines for preserving the Ashland, Hargadine, and Mountain View cemeteries has been set up by the City of Ashland as guidelines for public visits. These were put into place to preserve the Historic nature, as each is on the National Register of Historic Places. Each cemetery has a unique historical story and pictures of some of the headstones, and the cemeteries are included.
- Creation: 2000
- Atwood, Kay (Katherine Conlee) (Person)
Conditions Governing Use
Copyright and any related rights protect materials in this collection. Researchers are free to use these materials for any purpose that is permitted by the copyright and any rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses, researchers need to obtain permission from the rights holder(s).
For fair use/educational reproduction, please provide the following credit: From the MSS 025 Kay Atwood Collection... of Regional History, courtesy of Southern Oregon University Hannon Library.
See moreExtent
From the Collection: 28 Linear Feet (52 boxes)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
- Hargadine cemetery (Organization)
Repository Details
Part of the Southern Oregon University, Hannon Library Repository